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SynXis and Reztrack

Magnolia Hotels adds SynXis Digital Marketing and RezTrack Reporting Tools, Improves Year Over Year Bookings By Almost 12%

“We need the flexibility to try new and innovative marketing programs and know immediately what works to drive more business and what doesn’t. All the data we need is available in the RezTrack Report and SynXis’ Digital Marketing Portal. Together these tools have been a tremendous help in guiding us on where to spend our marketing dollars to ensure the highest return.” Mike Pratt Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Magnolia Hotels
Magnolia Hotel, a privately-held hotel management and development company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, manages four-star hotel properties in four different cities in the United States, all situated in historic buildings and prime downtown locations. Magnolia Hotels chose to implement the SynXis RezTrack® and Digital Marketing Reporting Tools to gain a better understanding of return on investment for its Digital Marketing campaigns as well as increase its look to book ratios and reservations on its booking engine. The Challenge
  • Reservation tracking was processed manually through rate codes and via multiple locations.
  • Manual tracking resulted in unorganized data.
  • Lack of reliable data made it difficult to know where to spend marketing dollars.
  • Customer database was not growing quickly enough, slowing down new customer acquisitions and return visits from previous guests.
The SynXis Solution
  • Developed an Digital Marketing program which included search engine marketing, pay-per-click advertising and social media marketing to drive qualified business to Website and acquire new customers.
  • Subscribed to SynXis’ Digital Marketing Reporting Portal to track the effectiveness of Digital Marketing programs. Based on reporting, data collection programs were refined to ensure marketing dollars were spent on those marketing programs producing the highest results.
  • Added RezTrack Reports to measure ROI and track website bookings for Magnolia’s booking engine.
The Results
  • Year-over-year SynXis Booking Engine Booking Engine reservations have grown almost 12% from 2008 since using the Digital Marketing Portal to track ROI and refine digital marketing programs.
  • Look-to-book ratio at Magnolia Hotels has increased every month in 2009, currently averaging almost 6%; a direct result of using RezTrack to target qualified shoppers.
  • Customer database has grown by 45% in 2009.
“We need the flexibility to try new and innovative marketing programs and know immediately what works to drive more business and what doesn’t. All the data we need is available in the RezTrack Report and SynXis’ Digital Marketing Portal. Together these tools have been a tremendous help in guiding us on where to spend our marketing dollars to ensure the highest return.” Mike Pratt, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Magnolia Hotels Magnolia Hotel, a privately-held hotel management and development company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, manages four-star hotel properties in four different cities in the United States, all situated in historic buildings and prime downtown locations. Magnolia Hotels chose to implement the SynXis RezTrack® and Digital Marketing Reporting Tools to gain a better understanding of return on investment for its Digital Marketing campaigns as well as increase its look to book ratios and reservations on its booking engine. The Challenge
  • Reservation tracking was processed manually through rate codes and via multiple locations.
  • Manual tracking resulted in unorganized data.
  • Lack of reliable data made it difficult to know where to spend marketing dollars.
  • Customer database was not growing quickly enough, slowing down new customer acquisitions and return visits from previous guests.
The SynXis Solution
  • Developed an Digital Marketing program which included search engine marketing, pay-per-click advertising and social media marketing to drive qualified business to Website and acquire new customers.
  • Subscribed to SynXis’ Digital Marketing Reporting Portal to track the effectiveness of Digital Marketing programs. Based on reporting, data collection programs were refined to ensure marketing dollars were spent on those marketing programs producing the highest results.
  • Added RezTrack Reports to measure ROI and track website bookings for Magnolia’s booking engine.
The Results
  • Year-over-year SynXis Booking Engine Booking Engine reservations have grown almost 12% from 2008 since using the Digital Marketing Portal to track ROI and refine digital marketing programs.
  • Look-to-book ratio at Magnolia Hotels has increased every month in 2009, currently averaging almost 6%; a direct result of using RezTrack to target qualified shoppers.
  • Customer database has grown by 45% in 2009.

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