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Tactics to Accelerate Your Hotel’s Recovery

Since the beginning of the pandemic, our team here at Sabre has been chatting with, and offering guidance to, hotels across the globe. We have heard about the struggles and concerns you have as you navigate through the ever evolving competitive landscape. At the same time, we have heard so many wonderful stories of resilience and creativity. From operating your hotels with limited staff and establishing intense cleaning protocols to partnering with local restaurants to create on-property food and wine pairing events – hoteliers are truly doing it all. With all these tasks to juggle, it is easy to miss a crucial piece of the ‘How to Manage a Hotel During the Pandemic’ puzzle. So, if you are one of the many hoteliers asking yourself what else can I be doing right now to optimize bookings and revenue – we are here to help. Check out our new guide, Tactics to Accelerate Your Hotel’s Recovery. It covers a wide range of topics on how to manage current segmentation shifts, utilize direct bookings, incorporate indirect booking strategies, and how to use system integrations to achieve powerful results.

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