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SynXis® Booking Engine

Guests expect consumer-grade experiences, up-to-date information, and seamless booking flows on your website. SynXis® Booking Engine helps you Go Beyond the capabilities of a standard hotel booking engine, optimizing your direct booking path and converting customers.

Turn your hotel’s website into a commerce powerhouse

Direct bookings come at a lower cost to hotels than online travel agencies (OTAs) and encourage guest loyalty to the brand. To encourage more direct bookings, you need the right hotel booking engine. SynXis Booking Engine is a commerce solution for hotels. The booking engine technology is optimized for online conversion, offering a simple booking process to help hotels convert shoppers into guests while maintaining full control of their customer relationships and upselling with dynamic merchandising.

Visibility and reporting

Monitor booking engine activity and customize your booking flow accordingly with customer booking trends and enhanced reporting.

Custom booking flows

Create an intuitive shopping experience with rich media, rate calendars, dynamic filtering, built-in hotel map search, and shopping cart summary.

Guest loyalty add-ons

Incentivize membership in your loyalty programs with member-only rates before login and offer guests the option to pay with their loyalty points.

Live OTA price comparison

Display room price parity between your direct booking channel and OTAs, encouraging more customers to book directly through your website.

Go Beyond with a powerful direct booking solution

SynXis Booking Engine goes beyond the capabilities of traditional hotel direct booking software, helping hoteliers convert shoppers into guests, drive direct bookings, and maximize direct channel revenue.

Use Booking Engine Designer to match your brand’s distinct look with no coding experience required. Customize your hotel booking engine and email templates for consistent branding across all touchpoints.

Choose from 34 supported languages and 100+ currencies to cater to guests around the world. Ensure customers have a great experience regardless of where and how they book with mobile-first design and multiple payment options.

Deliver consumer-grade shopping experiences with up-to-date information and smooth booking flows. Drive direct bookings by increasing engagement and triggering conversions, converting shoppers into guests.

Maximize direct channel revenue and create memorable guest stays by selling anything within the booking flow. Set up marketable offerings unique to your brand and create additional value for your property and guests.

Reach your desired results with your booking engine


Increased conversion rate with live OTA price comparison


Increased conversion rate with live OTA price comparison


Increased conversion rate with live OTA price comparison

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